Spanish-Language Synod Interim Session Held at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers

| 03/26/2024

By: Armando Machado

“Open our hearts and minds so that the Holy Spirit can act among us”

Upon conclusion of the Spanish-language Synod Interim Session at St. Joseph’s Seminary on March 23, 2024, participants gathered around Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat.
Upon conclusion of the Spanish-language Synod Interim Session at St. Joseph’s Seminary on March 23, 2024, participants gathered around Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat. Photo by Armando Machado/ The Good Newsroom

The Spanish-language Synod interim session for the Archdiocese of New York Synod lasted more than two hours on the afternoon of March 23 and was led by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat and Elizabeth Guevara de Gonzalez, director of the archdiocesan office of Adult Faith Formation.

The nearly 40 participants were asked to consider two questions in this latest step in the Synod through a process of listening, discussion, and contemplation. The first was, where have I seen or experienced successes within the Church’s structure(s), organization, leadership, and life that encourage the mission? How can we expand on that? 

The second question was: How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel and to live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?                         

After a musical introduction by singer-guitarist Patricio Oliva, Bishop Espaillat, prayed on behalf of all present: “We gather today in your presence, seeking your guidance and inspiration, as we continue this path of Synodality. Open our hearts and minds so that the Holy Spirit can act among us…that our conversations be abundant with your grace, and that our actions be the reflection of your love. We put this moment in your hands.” The bishop later spoke about the importance of the faithful helping the Church increase its efforts related to mission and evangelization.

Guevara de Gonzalez told people at the start, “Thank you for being here, on this very special day – for our conversations during the interim sessions of the Synod. It is a joy to be here with you.”

A separate English-language session was held earlier in the day, also at St. Joseph’s Seminary.

Discussion and Listening

Participants, who were seated at round tables in groups of about six, discussed the questions, reflected on their meaning and the comments of others, and then tried to sum up the spirit of what was being said in a short word or phrase.

Following these break-out sessions, group facilitators stood up front at the mic and shared what participants at their respective tables discussed, and the consensus each group reached. 

Among the thoughts shared: increase efforts to develop welcome gatherings for potential and new parishioners; improve communications related to what the parish wants and expects from members, and what members want and expect from the parish; for pastors to be just as good and attentive in their pastoral duties as they are in their administrative endeavors; and as Pope Francis reminds us, go forth and make disciples – this should be done, participants said, by having more home formation gatherings in addition to church events, for sake of creating community and unity. 

“We touched on many themes at our table, but among the most talked about were education (about the faith), formation, and listening – because various things come from these,” one facilitator, Aurelin Diaz Matos, 17, told the larger group. “For example, after formation, one can go out and evangelize appropriately.” She added that listening more effectively to one another would lead to improved efforts “that can help the Church.” Diaz Matos is a parishioner of St. Anthony of Padua in the Bronx.

“We talked about allowing the spirit of enthusiasm, the spirit of joy and celebration to descend upon us,” said another facilitator, Sister Martha Lopez, V.P., citing also the importance of the laity sharing and coordinating one another’s ministry goals. Sister Martha is assigned to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Bernard in Manhattan. 

After the session, Melvin Medina, 49, who served as a facilitator, told The Good Newsroom,“This was important for me, to participate in the dialogue – to see the results of the conversations, to help the Church and see the fruits.” He cited the significance of maintaining the faith at the center of our home life. Medina is a parishioner of St. Simon Stock-St. Joseph Church in the Bronx. 

Initiated by Pope Francis in the fall of 2021, the interim phase of Synod 2021 – 2024 provided a forum for a second consultation with the faithful of the Archdiocese of New York. 

Participating in the Synod means taking part in the process of listening to the Holy Spirit to determine the direction of the Church. Views expressed at the Synod listening sessions will be compiled into an archdiocesan Synodal Synthesis. A final session of bishops and Church representatives is set for October 2024 in Rome.

Presented by the college’s Collaborative for Equity in Literacy Learning (CELL), the conference will be held in Hudson Hall at the Mount Saint Mary College campus.


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