St. Patrick’s Cathedral Receives Rare Handwritten Illuminated Bible

| 10/2/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

In an age when we can carry the Bible around in our cellphones, the Benedictine monks at St. John’s Abbey and University in Minnesota have created a handwritten illuminated Bible like monks made in medieval times until the invention of the printing press 500 years ago.

It’s known as The St. John’s Bible. St. Patrick’s Cathedral received one of only 12 copies known as The Apostles Edition on Monday, the Feast of St. Jerome who is the patron saint of biblical study.

Cardinal Dolan presided over the blessing and dedication. In his homily, he said the gift of these works of art remind us that God’s holy word is His work of art and His gift to us.

See our full report in the video above.

Los participantes caminaron hacia el norte hasta la Iglesia de San Ignacio de Loyola.


Armando Machado

An estimated 75 people from about 10 parishes participated in the walk, organized by The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the Archdiocese of New York.


Armando Machado

In an age when we can carry the Bible around in our cellphones, the Benedictine monks at St. John's Abbey and University in Minnesota have created a handwritten illuminated Bible like monks made in medieval times until the invention of the printing press 500 years ago.


Mary Shovlain