Friday, January 31 marks the last day of Catholic Schools Week, and St. Peter’s Elementary School in Yonkers celebrated with a friendly competition. The school’s Annual Religion Bee was a fun way to close out this great week for Catholic Schools. Students were broken up into two teams: Gold versus Blue, and after a hard-fought battle, the Blue team took the win in the end with a close score of 25-21.
“The Religion Bee gave us a chance to showcase what students have learned, engage in public speaking, and show off to their teachers of previous years,” said Osasere from eighth grade.
Logan from fifth grade said, “Catholic Schools are important because we get to learn about God and have Mass every Friday. You can’t do that in every school.”
During the course of this contest, 50 religious general knowledge questions were asked of the students. As is evident from the final score, an astounding 46 of them were answered correctly. The photos show the joy on the students’ faces as they worked hard to bring home the win in front of the whole school.
Mrs. Sheila Alagia, St. Peter’s Principal, and Mrs. Ana Germosen, the Campus Minister, acted as the hosts for this event and were able to get in on the fun themselves. The participants came from all of the grade levels at the elementary school, and the audience was very excited rooting for their classmates.
“At. St. Peter School, we use (the Religion Bee) as a time for the whole community to work together, which during a regular schedule is sometimes limited. During Catholic School Week, we enjoy laughing, dancing, playing, and praying as a whole school. It is also a week set aside to include time for families to come in and see what the students experience each day. It is one of the busiest and most satisfying weeks of the whole school year,” said Mrs. Sheila Alagia, St. Peter’s Principal.
This event really exemplifies the tenets that come from Catholic Schools Week, showing the students’ love for their school and their knowledgeable faith that comes from it.