St. Philip Neri School in the Bronx Holds its Inaugural Spelling Bowl

| 12/15/2023

By: The Good Newsroom

With help from the New York Giants, St. Philip Neri School’s first spelling bowl was a huge success.

Hakeem Nicks, former Giants player, was a judge and spoke with The Good Newsroom about the importance of academics.

The departure of Jesus on Ascension Thursday is not a disappearance. God will remain.


The Good Newsroom

¿Cómo es posible que las personas que mejor conocían a Jesús, aquellos que estaban entre sus seguidores más cercanos, no lo reconocieran al verlo?


Our Sunday Visitor

How is it possible that the people who knew Jesus best, those who were among his closest followers, didn't know him when they saw him?


Our Sunday Visitor