Superintendent Deegan Honored with Lifetime Commitment to Catholic Education Award

| 04/20/2023

By: The Good Newsroom

Michael Deegan,Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York, received the 2023 Lifetime Commitment to Catholic Education Award. The honor is bestowed by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). The ceremony took place last week in Dallas, Texas.

We spoke with Superintendent Deegan today in his office at the Archdiocese. And with his hallmark humility, he told us he accepted the award in the name of the thousands of people he has worked with in his 50 years in Catholic education.

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan reflects on Pope Francis’s recent trip to Oceania and thanks him for his leadership.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

The Good Newsroom spoke with laborers who work closely with Catholic Charities NY and members of the Dorothy Day Guild at this year’s Labor Parade in Manhattan.


Patrick Grady

In today's reading, everyone in the crowd tied to touch Jesus and get close to Him.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan