Tens of Thousands Participate in Historic Eucharistic Procession in Indianapolis

| 07/21/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

In Downtown Indianapolis on Saturday, thousands of people took part in the mile-long Eucharistic Procession that went from the Convention Center to the Indiana War Memorial.

The procession was led by children who made their First Communion this year.

They were followed by a steady stream of priests, deacons, seminarians, religious men and women, and hundreds of bishops.

The monstrance carrying the Blessed Sacrament was made specially for this event. It was even blessed by Pope Francis at the Vatican.

On Saturday, it carried our Lord though the streets of Indianapolis and up to the Indiana War Memorial for Adoration and Benediction.

You could have heard a pin drop during adoration. The reverence and prayer were real. Many were in tears, moved by the beauty and holiness of the moment.

See our full report in the video above.

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