Unas palabras del cardenal Dolan: ¡Bendiciones en esta Pascua! | A Word from Cardinal Dolan: Blessings this Easter!

| 03/31/2024

By: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

La Pascua es el día sagrado católico más importante del año, ya que los cristianos de todo el mundo celebran la resurrección de Jesús.El Cardenal Dolan los invita a celebrar la alegría de la Pascua asistiendo a Misa y reuniéndose con su familia y seres queridos para la cena de Pascua.

Easter is the most important Catholic holy day of the year, as Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Cardinal Dolan invites you to celebrate the joy of Easter by attending Mass and gathering with your family and loved ones for Easter dinner.

The new initiative pairs students with mentors, fostering an environment of guidance and leadership to help students thrive both academically and personally.


The Good Newsroom

Today, Cardinal Dolan explains the “Five Cs” of St. Paul: Chosen, Called, Converted, Church, and Commissioned.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

In his video this morning, Cardinal Dolan explains the “Five Cs” of St. Paul, which are discussed in today’s reading from Galatians.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan