World Mission Sunday Mass Celebrated in St. Patrick’s Cathedral

| 10/21/2024

By: Mary Shovlain

Every Christian is called to be a missionary and at World Mission Sunday Mass this weekend in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the faithful were reminded about the importance of supporting the work of the missions through whatever sacrifices they can make.

Sunday marked the 98th World Mission Sunday that was instituted in 1926 by Pope Pius XI as a mandatory, global second collection to help support mission territories in the world.

Cardinal Dolan celebrated the liturgy and invited Fr. Roger Landry to give the homily.

Fr. Landry was recently appointed by Pope Francis as the National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies here in the United States.

Every Christian is called to be a missionary and at World Mission Sunday Mass this weekend in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the faithful were reminded about the importance of supporting the work of the missions through whatever sacrifices they can make.


Mary Shovlain

Esta jornada, en el marco del cierre del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, se llevó a cabo en medio de un ambiente festivo en el que el cardenal Christophe Pierre, nuncio apostólico de la Santa Sede en EE.UU., compartió una serie de experiencias y reflexiones de cara a esta celebración.


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