Cardinal Dolan Celebrates Religious Brothers and Sisters
By: Steven Schwankert
Eighteen jubilarians have served for at least 25 years

Eighteen religious brothers and sisters celebrated their 25th year of service or longer on Sunday, June 2, 2024, with 16 attending a Corpus Christi Sunday Mass held in their honor at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan.
“Our Mass this morning is even more fervent than usual because it’s the magnificent of Corpus Christi, the body and blood of Christ, when we renew our devotion to the mystery and gift of the Holy Eucharist, and because we welcome jubilarians, religious women and men from throughout the archdiocese, some of them, who are celebrating jubilees. So brothers and sisters, welcome, and thank God, we have you,” said Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Mass’ principal celebrant, in his opening remarks.
Sister Patricia Hogan, OP, and Brother Robert Berger, FSC, served as lectors.
After the gospel and homily, Sister Joan Curtin and all religious present renewed their vows:
“Almighty and loving God, I renew this day the vows I made at my profession: consecrated celibacy, poverty and obedience according to the Constitutions of my religious community.
“In renewing my vows, I also renew my baptismal commitment to live according to the Gospel and to follow Christ more faithfully. Send the Spirit of life and holiness to renew me and all consecrated persons so that together our lives may reflect praise, thanksgiving and union with you, our loving God.”
Margaret Palliser, OP, offered the prayer of the faithful.
Sr. Teolide Cecagno, MSCS; Sr. Immaculate Mwelu, SSJ; Sr. Jesussandra Rosa, SCR; and Sr. Wini Marie, MC brought up the offertory, followed by Sisters Carol D’Angelo and Suzanne Wallin, SC, presenting a portrait of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton to Cardinal Dolan. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in 1809 established the first congregation of apostolic religious sisters founded in the United States. 2024 is the 250th anniversary of her birthday.
Following the Mass, Cardinal Dolan carried the monstrance bearing the Blessed Sacrament in a Corpus Christi procession around the interior of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, in a tradition repeated in numerous locations elsewhere in the archdiocese and around the world.
After Mass, the jubilarians who were in attendance joined Cardinal Dolan for a luncheon in their honor at the Cardinal’s residence.
Jubilarians 2024
Celebrating 70 Years of Religious Profession
Sr. Marie Hess, OP
Sr. Ann Eigenbauer, OP
Celebrating 60 Years of Religious Profession
Sr. Teolide R. Cecagno, MSCS Sr. Joan Correia, OP
Sr. Carol DeAngelo, SC
Sr. Marilyn Ellickson, CSA
Sr. Patricia Hogan, OP
Sr. Lorraine LaRocca, OP
Sr. Maria Pagan, OBT
Sr. Margaret Palliser, OP
Sr. Suzanne Ellen Wallin, SC
Celebrating 50 Years of Religious Profession
Br. Robert C. Berger, FSC
Br. Matthew Mathias Maistre, CFC
Sr. Immaculate Mwelu, SSJ
Sr. Mayon Sylvain, RSM
Celebrating 25 Years of Religious Profession
Sr. Reyna Gonzalez, RSCJ
Sr. Jesussandra Rosa, SCR
Sr. Wini Marie, MC