La misa del 16 de marzo fue la primera que el Vaticano describió como concelebrada por el Papa Francisco, de 88 años, en el hospital.
By: Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/16/2025
The March 16 Mass was the first the Vatican described as concelebrated by the 88-year-old Pope Francis in the hospital.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/16/2025
The pope's continued stable condition confirmed "the progress shown in the last week," the Vatican said in its medical bulletin.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/16/2025
Las condiciones clínicas del Papa permanecen estables, confirmando “los progresos mostrados en la última semana”, dijo el Vaticano en su boletín médico.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/16/2025
Jimmy Lai was sentenced to five years and nine months in prison for violating Hong Kong's national security law.
The Good Newsroom
| 03/14/2025
The pope had a small celebration to mark the anniversary of his election, complete with a cake and candles.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/14/2025
The March 16 Mass was the first the Vatican described as concelebrated by the 88-year-old Pope Francis in the hospital.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/16/2025
The pope's continued stable condition confirmed "the progress shown in the last week," the Vatican said in its medical bulletin.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/16/2025
Las condiciones clínicas del Papa permanecen estables, confirmando “los progresos mostrados en la última semana”, dijo el Vaticano en su boletín médico.
Our Sunday Visitor
| 03/16/2025
Jimmy Lai was sentenced to five years and nine months in prison for violating Hong Kong's national security law.
The Good Newsroom
| 03/14/2025
The pope had a small celebration to mark the anniversary of his election, complete with a cake and candles.